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The 4th edition of the reference book “Ein Leben mit Achalasie” was published in 2018. New members receive this with the welcome pack.
Current members can order it for the special price of € 25 including postage.
All experts and interested parties can purchase it for the price of € 38.50 including postage.
The book can be ordered from the treasurer Tanja Zuhmann.
Print the attached order form, complete it and email it to
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Review “Ein Leben mit Achalasie”
This book, first published in 2008, is, to our knowledge, currently only complete information (in German) on achalasia. It covers all important topics and has now been fully updated and its layout improved. Above all, the editors and the 14 authors take into account the new rules for good patient information: As complete as possible and with the greatest possible volume of evidence (truth claim). Most of the articles have been updated. Among other things, the medical section has been supplemented with comprehensive information on POEM, the Chicago Classification and the Eckard Score. Newly inserted is also an interesting article on drug therapy written by a pharmacist. Furthermore, there is an extremely useful article on the psychological connections in the area of concomitant diseases/comorbities.
The decision-making dilemma that many affected persons are still faced with - dilatation or surgery - has been addressed and professionally elaborated in several chapters.
Rare diseases are neglected in the healthcare system, which is why the editors were keen to include chapters on prevention, minimum quantity regulation, personalised medicine, complementary medicine and the care landscape.
In its 15 years of existence, the diverse activities of Achalasie-Selbsthilfe have led to a wealth of knowledge gained through experience. This knowledge is illustrated in the chapters
- Philosophy of life
- Regional work topics
- Lack of understanding
- prejudice-discrimination
- Help with decision-making
- Resilience
- Perspective of sufferers and relatives
- Personal strategies for nutrition
- behavioural strategies.
This new edition now contains the medical histories of sufferers in a relevant selection with a considered structure. The additional tabular form enables sufferers to make a better comparison with their own disease progression. The editors have provided a dedicated form for readers to contribute feedback and to submit additions and ideas for the next edition.
The huge conceptual and creative effort put into this complex work has certainly paid off. The benefit has increased considerably. Thousands of items of information about achalasia can certainly be found on the internet by now. Many of these are based on interests and few are oriented towards the increased needs that actually arise when living with achalasia. The primary target groups of this publication are specifically those suffering from achalasia and their relations, whose many questions require answers. Holistically oriented specialists will certainly also benefit from it, because the topics of diagnostics and treatment are accompanied by descriptions of the many facets of this rare disorder.
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